Adnan Šišić

Zur Person
Adnan Šišić is mycologist and agronomist with expertise in legume and cereal root health. He studied Agronomy and Plant protection at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina til 2013. 2017 he finished his PhD at the University of Kassel-Witzenhausen. His research involves the analysis of fungal and bacterial communities inhabiting above- and below-ground plant parts and their interactions with pests and pathogenic fungi. He holds research and teaching positions at the Faculty for Organic Agricultural Sciences at Kassel University. Since 2020, he is also involved as a guest lecturer in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Faculties of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo and University of Banja Luka.
Zum Workshop
Mittwoch, 20.11.2024 | 14:00Uhr bis 17:00Uhr | Mikroskopierraum R1102
Relevance of fungi in agriculture
Fungi can feed, heal or kill plants. If managed properly, they can help agriculture become more resilient and environmentally sustainable. We will explore these various functions fungi perform in agriculture, taking a bottom-up approach starting with their place and roles in overall soil ecosystem and progresses to aboveground plant-fungal interactions. At the soil level, the significance of fungi in relation to soil health and their contribution to nutrient cycling and pathogen suppression will be discussed. Special attention will be given to soil fungi that closely interact with plant roots covering both, beneficial (mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal fungi) and pathogenic (invaders and inhabitants) relationships. Finally, the importance of plant leaves and stems associated fungal microbiome and implications for plant productivity will be discussed. The presentation will also address some methodological challenges encountered in studying fungi and the challenges with measuring their impacts in agriculture.